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Departmental Internships / Affiliating School

For questions related to unpaid internship policy, process, and/or required paperwork, please contact:

Contact: Haley Gravalis, Professional Development Associate
Phone: 315 464-7080
Email: [email protected] (Unpaid, Non-Patient Care Internships)

Although strongly recommended, the COVID-19 vaccination is no longer required to intern with Upstate.

Internships are to be set-up by the individual requesting to intern in conjunction with the department agreeing to host the individual.

The individual requesting to intern must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. If the individual is seventeen (17) years of age or younger they may job shadow for three (3) days or less, visit our Job Shadowing page.

Departmental Internships are intended for:

  • Students seeking a structured, non-clinical academic experience 
  • Their home institution has an active affiliation agreement that specifically defines their role with Upstate
  • Credit hours are needed
  • The experience lasts longer than 3-days

To verify an affiliation agreement with Upstate, contact the Contracts Office. If needed, download the Affiliation Agreement Request Form.

If an internship is not required for your current program of study but you require an experience lasting longer than 3-days, see Special Placement Volunteers at Upstate Medical University

Individual Responsibilities:

Individuals requesting internships at Upstate Medical University are responsible for directly contacting the department where they would like to intern. Please visit Building Locations and Directions  to view building directories in order to find departments, locations, and contact information (click on the building/location of interest, click the 'Services' tab at the top of the map).

If an Upstate department/staff member agrees to sponsor the internship being requested, the requirements at the bottom of this page need to be completed.

Department Responsibilities:

Reference policy Policy V-06: Approved Non-Employee Hospital Visitor Access & Orientation (Intranet ONLY)

The sponsoring department is responsible for initiating the non-employee request through the Non-Employee Management System (NEMS) within Self Serve, ensuring health clearance and an Upstate ID badge is obtained, requesting a Brightspace account through the IMT Network Account Request within Self Serve, and overseeing the completion of required orientation/education within Brightspace.


  1. Non-Employee Online Request Form within Self Serve (to obtain ID badge and health clearance)
    • Requests are reviewed and cleared by Employee Health. Employee Health will advise via email:
      • Status of request once processed
      • When/if the non-employee should report to Employee Health
      • When the non-employee should visit Payroll for badging
  2. Upon receipt of ID badge, request a Brightspace account via the Network Account Request within Self Serve
  3. Upon receipt of Brightspace account, complete the education request form to have required orientation/education assigned through Professional Development & Learning (PDL).